وظائف خاليه ومتنوعة فى مؤسسة صناع الحياة منشور فى 1/12/2017
ob announcement: Life Makers Foundation is looking for a qualified candidate to fill the following positions:
Head of Programme Development and Quality "Code 201801" Re-Announcement – Dead Line 2 December: bit.ly/2zF5ECl
HR Officer "Code 201802" Re-Announcement – Dead Line 2 December:
Communications Officer "Code 201805" – Deadline 2 December:
Livelihood Officer. "Code 201806" – Deadline 6 December:
Senior Livelihood Officer. "Code 201807" – Deadline 9 December:
Marketing Officer "Code 201808" – Deadline 9 December:
Programme assistant "Code 201809" – Deadline 9 December:
For Application, please send your CV and cover letter (as a single PDF/Word document) to recruitment@lifemakers.org
Please specify the subject, vacancy title and the announcement code in the email subject.